Achimenes skinneri

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Зарегистрирован: Ср дек 14, 2011 9:31 pm

Achimenes skinneri

Сообщение Aloriza » Вс янв 15, 2012 3:03 pm

Achimenes skinneri (Ахименес скиннера) - вид покрытосеменных цветковых растений из рода Ахименес (Achimenes) семейства Геснериевые (Gesneriaceae). Ареал обитания - Гватемала, Гондурас, Коста-Рика, Мексика, Сальвадор. Вид был впервые описан Джоном Линдли в 1848 году. Представляет собой многолетнее теплолюбивое растение с крупными лилово-фиолетовыми цветками, украшенными ярко-желтым пятном с коричневыми штрихами. Листья светло-зеленые, черешковые, противоположные, побеги чуть коричневатые, самоветвящиеся. Куст крепкий компактный, побеги прямостоячие. Цветение в природе с июля по сентябрь. Вид получил свое название в память о британском собирателе орхидей XIX в. Джордже Скиннере (George Ure Skinner, 1804-1867). Синонимы видового названия:
Achimenes haageana Otto ex Regel
Achimenes hirsuta Lindl.
Achimenes hirsuta var. corymbosa Oerst.
Achimenes hirsuta var. magnifica C.Morren
Locheria hirsuta (D.Dietr.) Regel
Locheria hirsuta var. magnifica Hanst.
Locheria hirsuta var. splendens Hanst.
Trevirana hirsuta D.Dietr.

Achimenes skinneri Gordon ex Lindl., 1848
Achimenes skinneri is a perennial.
Achimenes skinneri was described by John Lindley. The name is considered as validly published.
Achimenes skinneri is a species in the genus Achimenes which contains approximately 28 to 55 species and belongs to the family of the Gesneriaceae (Gesneriad Family).
Achimenes skinneri has opposite leaves. The leaves are petiolate.
Achimenes skinneri produces cruciform flowers from July to September.
The perennials produce septicidal capsules.
Achimenes skinneri is native to Mexico and Guatemala.
The perennials tolerate temperatures only above at least 1°C (USDA zone 10).

Обожатель цветов
Сообщений: 165
Зарегистрирован: Чт дек 15, 2011 4:58 pm

Re: Achimenes skinneri

Сообщение Dinok » Сб янв 21, 2012 1:59 pm

Achimenes skinneri, a species of rhizomatous, herbaceous, tender perennial plant. Achimenes skinneri was described by John Lindley. The name is considered as validly published. Achimenes skinneri is a species in the genus Achimenes which contains approximately 28 to 55 species and belongs to the family of the Gesneriaceae (Gesneriad Family). Achimenes skinneri in Magnoliopsida's magnificent species illustrated by John Lindley. The Achimenes skinneri is included in the genus Achimenes, and the family Gesneriaceae. Synonyms:
Achimenes haageana
Achimenes hirsuta
Locheria hirsuta

Achimenes skinneri Lindl.
Today Achimenes skinneri and Achimenes hirsuta are regarded as synonymous but they were usually regarded as separate species in the Victorian literature and for that reason are given separate entries here. [RHSD]. The Botanical Register describes Achimenes hirsuta as resembling Achimenes pedunculata [Benth.] and, like the latter, it bears bulblets in the axils of its leaves and branches. [BR f.55/1843]. Its red flowers have a deep rose-coloured border, the lobes notched. Allen describes Achimenes hirsuta with ‘hairy leaves and rose-coloured flowers with a yellow eye’.

Horticultural & Botanical History
Introduced to Britain as Achimenes skinneri in 1847 [JD]. Achimenes hirsuta was apparently introduced by Messrs. Henderson, nurserymen of Pine Apple Place, in 1842, a portion of dried root having been discovered among a consignment of orchids. [REF]. Johnson's Dictionary describes Achimenes skinneri as a variety of Achimenes grandiflora.
‘This is not so gay in its flowers as the Achimenes picta (Tab. 4126), nor are the leaves by any means so beautiful; but there is a richness of colour in the large corollas, and a peculiar bloom, very difficult to be imitated by art, which render it worthy a place in every stove. Its nearest affinity, however, is, as Dr. Lindley, its first describer, observes, with A. pedunculata (Tab. 4077), " but the flowers are larger, the border is much more flat, and the colour is a deep, rich rose, instead of the clear orange of A. pedunculata." Our specimen has even deeper colored blossoms (partaking of a purplish blush, or bloom) than that figured in the Bot. Register: still, it must be acknowledged that the two species have a very close affinity. [BM t.4144/1845]. FC p.274/1843. BF p.156/1844. MB p.7/1845. GRA p.22.

History at Camden Park
Listed in the 1850 and 1857 catalogues [B.17/1850]. Achimenes skinneri was obtained from Kew Gardens, brought out from England by Captain P. P. King in 1849. In the confirmatory list sent by Macarthur to King it is marked with an ‘o’, meaning new to the colony. [ML A1980-3].

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Сообщений: 26
Зарегистрирован: Пн апр 17, 2017 9:14 pm

Re: Achimenes skinneri

Сообщение lelica » Сб авг 12, 2017 6:10 pm

Природный вид рода Ахименес (лат. Achimenes)
Латинское название: Achimenes skinneri
Русское название: Ахименес Скиннера


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